Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Wonderful (kind, generous, etc.) Souls Who Love ME...

Today I made a huge pot of this for you...
Homemade, yummy, chock full of veggies, chicken soup. Don't worry that it looks slightly oily- it's olive oil, and my momma would tell you it's "good for your coat".

A little birdie told me that my blog has caused a few of those close to me be a little concerned. Truthfully, I have been a bit blue. Maybe even a dark shade of blue. But, I am happy to tell you that I am feeling much better.

It's true that not everything has gone as planned. Okay, nothing has gone as planned. And, at times, it seems like a new obstacle is around every corner. I know that's true of everyone, but at some point, don't you just need a few days where everything is smooth sailing? I've come to the conclusion that may not happen for me, but I can readjust my attitude to focus on the positive parts (or moments) of each day- and there are many.

I went to a Bible study with some friends on Tuesday. I've decided to not focus on the fact that I was inappropriately huggy (a la the loneliest woman alive) or that I discovered a glob of toothpaste spittle on my shirt after I arrived, but on the fact that I left having six more new friends. And, I came with three! Amazing!

I've worked out every day this week- always the key to my happiness, or at least "even-keeledness". Although I am almost never in the mood, I always feel so good after. I never think "I shouldn't have worked out. That was dumb." Ha ha!

The kids have come home from school happy everyday this week! Thank you, Lord!!!! And, I'm back in my kitchen cookin' for my loved ones- where I belong! All is (finally starting to look) right in my world. Enjoy the soup, and I thank you for stopping by!

As always, wishing you a happy home!

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